5-Star Rated Healing in Toronto, ON

Mind-Body Fertility One on One

“Harness the power of the mind-body connection to guide your body to success.”
What this quote means is essentially this. Mind-Body Fertility One on One can help you prepare and move through fertility treatment with greater energy, positivity and ease. There is a growing body of research that demonstrates the link between psychological well-being and fertility health.
Mind-Body Fertility One on One utilizes scientifically proven mind-body techniques to help create an optimal state, inside and out, for conception to occur.

Mind-Body Fertility One on One can also help address the emotional struggles associated with infertility by providing a new lens and broader perspective. You will learn how to allow yourself to let go of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that are often experienced on the fertility journey. These same beliefs may also be holding you back.

Research has demonstrated that reducing stress levels is also an important factor to address in the fertility process. Through Mind-Body Fertility One on One, you will gain insight into how to “befriend stress” in a way that rather than depleting you, restores you. You will cultivate internal power to deal better with external circumstances.
Fertile Body Method Training

Fertile Body Method Training

Mind-Body Fertility One on One was developed after many years of helping individuals and couples struggling with infertility. As a certified hypnotherapist, I trained with Sjanie Hugo and completed the Fertile Body Method Training.


“Fertile Body Method is a mind-body approach to fertility problems that is based on a holistic health model. FBM is an excellent tool to supplement and optimize any medical fertility protocols. Fertile Body Method can be used to help increase fertility and to address the negative effects of infertility.” (Source: Fertile Body Method, Sjanie Hugo, BA, D.HYP, PGD.HYP, GHR, MBSCH)

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