Donor Conception
Implications Counseling
Donor Assessments
Are you thinking about freezing your eggs?
Freezing your eggs, otherwise known as fertility preservation, has become a new option for women today. Fertility preservation is the process of freezing a woman’s eggs as well as her embryos. Many women choose to preserve their fertility for various reasons. Women who go through cancer treatment may be given the option to freeze their eggs prior to receiving a treatment that could harm the eggs. Still other women freeze their eggs for social reasons.
If you are considering the process of freezing your eggs, your doctor may request you participate in a counselling session so that you can get more informed about the implications of fertility preservation.
Are you single and exploring the use of donor sperm?
In my practice, I see many single women who pursue building a family through donor sperm. There is a theme among these women that demonstrates such a strong desire to become a mother that this desire supersedes the desire for a partner. This is partly due to the length of time a woman is able to reproduce and all the psychosocial issues that go with that.
Nonetheless, if you are single and considering using donor sperm, you have come to the right place. Depending on where you are at in your journey, you may have already started looking for a donor. This can be an interesting task that may evoke many different feelings. Your doctor will request that you participate in implication counselling to understand the ins and outs of using donor sperm.
Counselling for IVF
Are you considering doing IVF? Did your clinic tell you to see a counselor? The reason for a referral to a counselor is because the clinic wants to ensure that you are fully informed. It’s one thing to watch the IVF video and it’s another thing to be told exactly what to expect when you are going through it.
As a social worker and former IVF patient, I combine my personal experience and clinical knowledge base to help you understand the whole IVF process. I ensure that you feel 100% comfortable in the treatment. I have been done this road and know the feelings, the pain, the fear and anxiety associated with the pre-IVF period, the treatment and the post IVF time.
Is the egg donation option for you?
Have you been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure? Are you considering the egg donation option?
Egg donation is a form of third party reproduction that enables women to achieve pregnancy. Eggs must be donated by a known or anonymous altruistic donor. Altruistic donor means that the donor cannot receive any form of compensation for donating their eggs. If you are considering using donor eggs, you should meet with a fertility counselor to discuss all the associated implication.